Fabric dotted with tiny dots and spots will make you reminisce about writing at school. Your baby can gradually discover them and get to know their shape, and at a later age, he or she can also try to count them. Even a little thing like a pillow or a blanket can easily develop your baby's senses.
With the minimalist and playful pattern of black spots, you can get a whole baby kit - from a swaddle, a pillow, a nest to a hat or a snuggle.
The feather swaddles in the spots pattern are combined with white, ochre, grey, blue and old pink. It is up to you which combination you choose for your baby. Thanks to the natural feather material that the Czech brand JiTuli works with, you can be sure that the baby's temperature will not fluctuate and the feathers will perform their thermoregulatory function. This means that it cools down in the heat, warms up in the winter and prevents sweating. This makes it the ideal partner for babies born in the hottest summer and the coldest winter days.