Tie belts for swaddle

Give your baby the feeling they knew from mommy's belly. With the tie belt you achieve a pleasantly tight wrap that evokes a feeling of security. The tie belt also prevents the baby from kicking at the bottom of the wrap. This ensures that the baby is always warm.

Choose from a variety of belt designs to match your swaddle. The tie belt is purchased separately to the wrap and is not sewn to the wrap. Once the baby has outgrown it, you can simply use the wrap as a cot blanket. We recommend that you buy the same quality feather pillow to go with it. 

Žádná položka

Dopřejte miminku pocit, jako znalo z maminčina bříška. Se zavazovacím pásem docílíte příjemně pevného zavinutí, které navozuje pocit bezpečí.