Crib mantle

The crib is a safe place for babies. Therefore, you should go all out to make them feel as comfortable as possible in their crib. A crib mantle helps to do this. Not only does it delimit and define the space-just like the baby had in the tummy-but it also prevents draughts and prevents unpleasant bumps the moment the baby starts to roll over. 

The crib mantle is made of 100% cotton on the outside layer, which is pleasant to touch even for baby's sensitive skin; the inside is softly filled. Even if the baby bumps the side of the crib, you don't have to worry. 

Žádná položka

Mantinel do postýlky ohraničí prostor, stejně jako mělo miminko v bříšku a zabraňuje průvanům a nepříjemným nárazům, když se děťátko začne přetáčet.